May 2016

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac

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How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac
Sudden reboots, programs that fail randomly, windows that close apropos or blue screen. The problems caused by the malfunction of the memory modules RAM can be as generic and random that sometimes costs relate RAM itself. Although other failures are much less subtle, and you can find screens reporting that the memory system fails.

Whether because you are convinced that the RAM goes wrong, or because you are simply by detecting small glitches and want to discard it by your memory modules to give with error, it will come in handy to have on hand programs to diagnose the state of your RAM . Today we will show you some that you can use in Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

Windows Memory Diagnostic

How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac
Windows takes time taking a simple but complete tool to analyze your RAM called Windows Memory Diagnostic. It may not be as thorough as other alternatives, but at least it will serve to give a first step before Liard to downloading software, and all you'll need is to restart your computer.

To run you just have to open the Start menu and type mdsched.exe or the full name of the program. You will see a window like the catch with only two choices, scan your computer immediately restarting the computer or to schedule scanning of RAM for the next time you restart appears.

the circumstances in which you do your next reboot (maybe you hurry) You never know, so it is recommended to immediately analyze the RAM. In doing so the computer will load a screen that shows the progress of the test. Will warn you of mistakes, so if nothing happens maybe your memory is good and the problems you are giving the other component or application

Memtest86 +, the most comprehensive Windows and Linux

How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac
 But if you prefer to leave behind local trials, Memtest86 + is the most complete and popular tool you can find for Windows or GNU / Linux. It is open source, and gives you the option to download a simple installer for Windows that create a USB or download an ISO image that you can burn on any removable drive regardless of your operating system.

Once you have created your external drive, to run the program will have to shut down your computer and start the USB or CD from the BIOS by pressing the assigned on your computer to choose the drive from which you boot key. Usually the F8, F11 or F. If not atinas enters directly into the BIOS setup and alter the boot order by first choosing the USB or DVD in which you have the test.

Memtest86 + has up to eight different tests to analyze your memory, and if you're going to do them all to locate a possible problem will have to spend a few hours. In addition, it is advisable if you have multiple memory modules is to go by analyzing each separately to optimize results. By the way, the results of this test may not indicate failures in RAM only, but also on your processor or motherboard.

Two more options for Windows

How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac
 If you only use a Windows operating system you have two more options. The first is Memtest. Yes, it is exactly the same open Memtest86 +, with the difference that is only for Windows (from 9X to Win 10), and do not need to restart your computer to use program.

Just download it, unzip the file and run it. But of course, in doing so you'll find yourself with Windows' own limitations, and the program will alert you that you have a limit of 2047 MB of RAM used by program, so you have to open several times the application and run the test with all to while if you want to analyze more than 2 GB. The free version is useful but basic, so you also have an option to purchase two advanced versions with more features.

Another program you can use is DocMemory. To do also have to burn it to a CD or USB and run at system startup, and with it you can analyze up to 64 GB RAM or CPUs from Intel and AMD. Supports DDR, DDR3 and DDR3 modules, and if it seems very simple also has a PRO version with advanced features.

If you are a Mac user you have several options

How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac
 Quiet, because if you're using Mac OS X also have several options to determine if RAM is the cause of these annoying errors giving your software. Two of the main options are the internal Apple Hardware Test tool and some third-party programs like veteran Rember.

And of course, the open source tool Memtest has also found its way to Mac OS X. Memtest The application is automatically installed in the / applicatons / memtest, and to execute will have to restart your Mac while holding down the Command-S key . a console It will run automatically, and it will only have to write the / Applications / memtest / memtest all NUMBER -1 command.

Linux also have another option
How to diagnose the state of your RAM on Windows, Linux and Mac
 If you are too lazy to restart or for any other reason you do not want to use Memtest 86+ to analyze your memory having an operating system based on GNU / Linux, you have another option that can be run directly from the command console and without restarting the computer. It is called memtester and has versions for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora or NetBSD.

I will explain the steps to use Ubuntu because it remains the most popular distro. Enter the terminal and type sudo apt-get install memtester. Then type sudo memtester XGB, with XGB the amount of memory to be tested. You can also put MB instead of GB. The problem with this application is that it can fail because having to run with a running operating system can not analyze all memory.

Once located the problem

Once located the problem touches change RAM. In this video from Engadget TV in which we are taught to assemble a PC by saving money pieces you will see how you insert or remove your RAM to the motherboard. Also some other tips you have to keep in mind when changing parts of your computer.

But if you are going to be unhappy having to change the RAM and want to do a deeper physical analysis or try to solve the problems, some companies offer professional solutions pay for it. Some of them are physical or Memory Testers analyzers and other solutions that can become quite expensive as PC-Doctor, PC Diagnostics or Ultra X. Several of these tools are also used to analyze other physical components.
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This system will monitor glasses and contact lenses and diabetes drugs supply

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This system will monitor glasses and contact lenses and diabetes drugs supply
It's funny how some conditions continue to use treatments that are based on techniques used for several decades, the best example is diabetes, where sufferers need to regularly monitor their glucose levels by pricking, an invasive technique and annoying for most people, but today, except for some development projects, remains the most efficient way.

Two years ago unveiled a project between Novartis and Google consisting of a "smart" contact lens, which would be equipped with a sensor to measure glucose and send the information wirelessly to a smartphone. But now we find an interesting twist to the idea of Google as just presented a system of lenses and glasses that together would measure glucose, but also be able to release small doses of medication if needed.
Improving the quality of life of diabetic patients

Sae Kwan Hahn, a professor of materials science and engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology of Korea (POSTECH), has just presented the project at the World Congress of Biomaterials, which has attracted attention because it could not only help diabetic patients, but could also be adapted for other diseases and their treatment, as the case of glaucoma.

The system consists of a lens made of two layers of hydrogel soft silicone, the circuits are installed on the lens ring where we have a sensor electrochemical glucose, a microcontroller chip, a delivery system of drugs and an induction coil, which it is responsible for providing power for wireless communication. On the other hand, the glasses will be connected at all times to the lens, as they will be carriers of the drug that would accommodate a dose month.

When glucose levels increase, the chip sends a wireless signal to the glasses to release a dose of medication, plus the glasses will have a small LED will light if glucose levels are too high and require user intervention.
It's funny how some conditions continue to use treatments that are based on techniques used for several decades, the best example is diabetes, where sufferers need to regularly monitor their glucose levels by pricking, an invasive technique and annoying for most people, but today, except for some development projects, remains the most efficient way.  Two years ago unveiled a project between Novartis and Google consisting of a "smart" contact lens, which would be equipped with a sensor to measure glucose and send the information wirelessly to a smartphone. But now we find an interesting twist to the idea of ​​Google as just presented a system of lenses and glasses that together would measure glucose, but also be able to release small doses of medication if needed. Improving the quality of life of diabetic patients  Sae Kwan Hahn, a professor of materials science and engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology of Korea (POSTECH), has just presented the project at the World Congress of Biomaterials, which has attracted attention because it could not only help diabetic patients, but could also be adapted for other diseases and their treatment, as the case of glaucoma.  The system consists of a lens made of two layers of hydrogel soft silicone, the circuits are installed on the lens ring where we have a sensor electrochemical glucose, a microcontroller chip, a delivery system of drugs and an induction coil, which it is responsible for providing power for wireless communication. On the other hand, the glasses will be connected at all times to the lens, as they will be carriers of the drug that would accommodate a dose month.  When glucose levels increase, the chip sends a wireless signal to the glasses to release a dose of medication, plus the glasses will have a small LED will light if glucose levels are too high and require user intervention.   ppppppppp  In the first demonstration system, drug release was not automatic, the illumination of the LED the user has to use voice commands to deliver the drug, but it is expected that in the future this can be done automatically, so that the patient forget for a moment your treatment and try to lead a normal life.  In the first tests a solution of artificial tears to know the behavior of the system was placed, and the three people carrying a prototype for three weeks, not accidental drops of liquid were presented, the dose was precise and without any damage. Its creator is sure that there are companies interested in its development and it could see the light during the next year, and that thanks to that could take up to a month dose glasses could be used in a wide range of treatments.
 In the first demonstration system, drug release was not automatic, the illumination of the LED the user has to use voice commands to deliver the drug, but it is expected that in the future this can be done automatically, so that the patient forget for a moment your treatment and try to lead a normal life.

In the first tests a solution of artificial tears to know the behavior of the system was placed, and the three people carrying a prototype for three weeks, not accidental drops of liquid were presented, the dose was precise and without any damage. Its creator is sure that there are companies interested in its development and it could see the light during the next year, and that thanks to that could take up to a month dose glasses could be used in a wide range of treatments.

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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Google removed the application launcher Chrome

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Google removed the application launcher Chrome
Today Google announced that it will withdraw the application launcher Chrome, which is nothing but the button that allows users to run applications Chrome from the Windows taskbar or dock Linux and Mac.

According to Google's decision was carried out due to lack of interest of users in this application launcher, besides his preference for running applications directly into the Chrome browser. In addition also they report that this is part of the process to create a lighter Chrome browser.

As for the launcher in Chrome OS will continue to operate as it does at present.
After a few weeks, Chrome will no longer allow the pitcher when users first install a Chrome application. The removal process will take place over the coming months and in July will disappear completely from all systems.

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Saturday, 28 May 2016

Reddit launches its own image hosting service

Posted by joker
For those familiar with Reddit, the website will know that social bookmarking and news aggregator got on very well with Imgur, that platform to share images, because users rose enough material from said support. Well, now that could be in the past, after the team behind the service announced it will launch its own system of accommodation for posts published.

Through a statement, it mentioned that this initiative seeks the community experience more fluid, giving several interesting content to share via this storage options. Among the highlights, detailed images that can upload up to 20 MB and 100 MB gifs direct to Reddit way. So, you can click the hosted image, which will be linked directly to the topic or conversation about this. Yes, the content that go up must be subject to the rules of the site.
They will be 16 the subreddits or groups who will benefit in the first instance with this tool, then applied another 50 during the next week. That is to say that this storage platform does not exclude the use of Imgur or other services. Rather, what is sought with this option is to give more traffic to Reddit itself.
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More evidence of a future Apple Car

Posted by joker

Technology that focuses on an electric car charging looking for specialists

Technology that focuses on an electric car charging looking for specialists

Apple continues his career, relatively quiet, to enter the world of transport. The course Apple Car remains departure but begin to leak details of its commitment to electric power. After almost a year of rumors, Reuters has unveiled the plan to have power stations. Having a reliable network is one of the keys to the adoption of the product against the established network of gas stations worldwide. After the decline of iPhone sales, its most successful product, and stabilization of the iPad, the tablet, Apple seeks a new bombshell to remain at the forefront of innovation.course Apple Car remains departure, but begin to leak details of its commitment to electric power. After almost a year of rumors, Reuters has unveiled the plan to have power stations. Having a reliable network is one of the keys to the adoption of the product against the established network of gas stations worldwide. After the decline of iPhone sales, its most successful product, and stabilization of the iPad, the tablet, Apple seeks a new bombshell to remain at the forefront of innovation.

According to information from the agency, Apple has had approaches with manufacturers of car charging systems and are working closely with employees who already use an electric car to find out what needs improvement and should take into account. Arun Banskota, whose company has a charging system, Reuters has confirmed the interest of Cupertino.

Another indication of this interest is in some of its contracts: BMW signings and a Google specialist, Kurt Adelberger. Before they were done with Ijaz Mujeed services, technical director A123, a company in Massachusetts that has denounced Apple for its aggressive hiring. Johan Jungwirth, director of research and development of Mercedes-Benz also joined the block, and Ford came Steve Zadesky. Internal security, in the form of seat belts and airbags will be the role of Robert Gough. A Tesla they took to David Nelson, John Irelan and Peter Augenbergs, and Lauren Ciminera, a sensible loss, since it was responsible for hiring more specialists.

Musk has not only been the first to show that it is possible to compete with the oil industry in efficiency and increasingly in price but also in scale. Fremont struggle against time to arrive on time with your next model orders. In an unknown strategy it has managed to overtake customers over a thousand dollars to reserve your unit. The master of the industry sent a message to Tim Cook through his Twitter account, with the welcome, but also told Bloomberg that the practices of Apple were unsustainable, then offered $ 250,000 as an initial incentive, and wages 60% higher than Tesla.increasingly in price but also in scale. Fremont struggle against time to arrive on time with your next model orders. In an unknown strategy it has managed to overtake customers over a thousand dollars to reserve your unit. The master of the industry sent a message to Tim Cook through his Twitter account, with the welcome, but also told Bloomberg that the practices of Apple were unsustainable, then offered $ 250,000 as an initial incentive, and wages 60% higher than Tesla.In an unknown strategy it has managed to overtake customers over a thousand dollars to reserve your unit. The master of the industry sent a message to Tim Cook through his Twitter account, with the welcome, but also told Bloomberg that the practices of Apple were unsustainable, then offered $ 250,000 as an initial incentive, and wages 60% higher than Tesla.

The challenge of charging stations is one of the keys to succeeding. In California, it is estimated that it will take 20 times more stations than the current 8,000. Tesla already has more than 600 fast, able to completely fill the battery in half an hour. It just unveiled that Mexico will also have an amazing these stations of the future in Cuernavaca.

From Detroit, Chevrolet is the firm whose effort to adapt to this new environment will soon be on the market. Bolt EV model, which could be tested during consumer technology fair in Las Vegas, Tesla aims ahead with a seemingly small and close to utilities that use US families as second household vehicle car.second household vehicle car.
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HP Elite X2 a 2 to 1 to be productive anywhere

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HP Elite X2 a 2 to 1 to be productive anywhere
As well I mentioned a few weeks ago today when we talk about production "on the go" (mobile), many are choosing hybrid devices 2 in 1, which offer us the best offering a tablet, as well as the best of a laptop.

One such hybrid devices launched lately is the HP Elite X2, which as many of you know in recent weeks were trying to write this review and not just at home, also in the office and when we had to travel outside of Texas, the which gave me an exact idea of the usefulness of this hybrid whose starting price is $ 899, similar to the Surface Pro 4 price, but with the advantage that the HP device includes a premium keyboard on the price and the Microsoft no, the keyboard must be paid separately.
The unit we received, HP Elite 1012 X2 G1, cost 1,349 dollars.
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Skype for Android now with Material Design for tablets and several options to add friends

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Skype for Android now with Material Design for tablets and several options to add friends
Microsoft has just announced the update of Skype for Android and version 7.0 incorporates the design philosophy of Google, better known as Design Material in Android tablets, about a year after having done with smartphones with Google's operating system.

The new design of the user interface was developed from scratch. They also introduced a new floating share button that lets you send messages and start video calls and voice calls much simpler and faster. That button completely changes the user experience, allowing quick access to various features like messaging, voice calls, video calls and even Skype bots.

Skype for Android now with Material Design for tablets and several options to add friends
The new design also facilitates multitasking, as it includes a view of multiple panels when the tablet is in landscape orientation.

This version also includes a much more powerful than the one included in the previous version to find contacts, chats, groups and bots in a renovated faster search engine,.

Finally, when they enter Skype you can see all the contacts that have books on the device in the Skype contact list. If any of your contacts do not use Skype, it is now easier to invite just click the Invite button located on the side of the contact name.
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Thursday, 26 May 2016

5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

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5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

Windows 10 has been with us for about a year, but even if you use the operating system since its release are still things. Here are five of our favorite hidden options we have discovered in the course of the year (and why we believe you should use).

1) Battery info hidden

5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

If you are using Windows 10 on a tablet or laptop, then you will want to have a place in the battery levels something you can do in the notification area eye. There is also a more detailed report that will give useful information about the overall health of the battery and usage time between charges.

Right-click the Start menu button, then choose Command Prompt (Admin) and writes
powercfg / batteryreport / output  "C: \ battery_report.html" in the command window. Open the HTML file to get a lot of statistics and useful information about your battery. There are different versions of this report is also available in previous Windows.

2) Print PDF

5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

It's not the most exciting feature of Windows 10, but might work very useful and saves time and hassle of having to waste time with plug-ins that do the same. Microsoft tried to force their XPS format in Windows 8, but no longer. Now you can choose an output format that you know everyone will be able to open and view.

With any program you want to print (a standard desktop program or a universal application), choose Microsoft Print to PDF from the list of available printers. There are not many print options, but that can be an advantage. Just choose the file name and location and be all set. Microsoft Edge opens PDF files if you need to check the result.

3) direct access to God Mode

5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

The shortcut "God Mode" is another trick that has been present for several generations of Windows, and continues here on the new operating system so it should be in our list. Unfortunately, not turn it into a whole sees and knows everything be omnipotent, but gives you quick and easy access to some of the key parts of the Windows operating system.

Create a new folder where you look (the desktop works without problems) and name God Mode. {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} (You can replace "God Mode" with whatever you want). Double-click the newly created folder and can play with the settings of all devices, networks and connected displays, among other things.

4) Tablet Mode

5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

If you are not using Windows 10 on a tablet, then you may not know that there is a tablet mode that can be activated at any time and that brings a simpler design, a startup screen to Windows 8 style and optimizations for touch control screen (so it can be very useful if you are running Windows 10 on a laptop or an all-in-one with a touch screen).

Click the icon to display notifications sidebar Activity Center and then select the tablet mode to make the change. To play a few additional settings, go to the Settings app Windows 10 and then to tablet mode. The menu allows you to choose, for example, if the application icons or not displayed on the taskbar.

5) Xbox Screen Recorder

5 options hidden in Windows 10 you should know

Windows 10 comes with its own software screen recording. It is designed to record your exploits in a game, but can be used to record almost anything that happens on the screen. Xbox launches the application from the Start menu or the taskbar and then go to the configuration panel (through the gear icon) to set your craving Game DVR options.

Changes to the program you want to record and use the key combination Win + G to open the recording console (you can also use keyboard shortcuts to start and stop recording). The recording is limited to the current window, but still a useful way to capture an instructional video, something strange that has appeared on Twitter and stuff.
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Samsung Pay arrives in Spain on 2 June.

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Samsung Pay arrives in Spain on 2 June.

If you had wanted to try how is that to pay small purchases from mobile and have a Samsung, you have a few days of waiting. Samsung Pay arrives in Spain on June 2, well ahead of rivals Google and Apple.

Payment application does not charge and is open to any bank or distributor who wants to integrate. Has been told  Samsung is coming to agreements with major banks to be compatible with any credit or debit card. The application is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S6, S7, A5 and Note 5. According to rumors, Apple Pay could also come this year, pro no definite date.
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Microsoft provides how to install patches on Windows 7 and 8.1

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A collection of monthly updates to install as if it were a single package.

Microsoft provides how to install patches on Windows 7 and 8.1
The millions of users of Windows 7 and 8.1 that for some reason did not accept the offer free upgrade to Windows 10, may be the same who reject the constant updates of the operating system. the number of patches waiting increases and when it is time to install, the process is eternal ago.

However, even with the end of mainstream support for Windows 7, users remain concern Microsoft, which the company announced the availability of an update package that contains security patches and bug fixes that were released after Windows 7 SP1 until April 2016.

This package upgrade will not be available through Windows Update, but can be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog. It will also be compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2, but in both operating systems the user must ensure you have the update package KB3020369 installed.

On the other hand, to improve how to distribute and install patches intended for troubleshooting only, the Redmond company announced it will be launching every month through Windows Update, a collection of them to install as if it were a only package, compatible with Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Server 2008 R2 SP1, Server 2012 and R2.

With this, Microsoft expects to "improve the reliability and quality" of upgrades, solving one of the great problems of server administrators to quickly and easily install a lot of updates that are delayed according to the convenience of organizations.

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Native Mozilla leads the indigenous languages of Latin America to Firefox

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Native Mozilla leads the indigenous languages of Latin America to Firefox

The speakers of indigenous languages can download a specific version of Firefox, appropriate to their navigation needs.

The Mozilla community is developing a project called Mozilla Native that is focused on the incorporation of indigenous languages into the digital world, specifically for the Firefox web browser.

The community is comprised of users, translators, developers, activists and want to take the idea to people that some languages are not compatible with the technology. According to Mozilla:
“When dying an indigenous language dies a cultural legacy with her. Many indigenous languages, especially in Latin America, are in serious danger of extinction. a process of language revitalization is required and Mozilla Firefox browser is presented as the first worldwide translated into indigenous languages throughout Latin America.”

For Monica Bonilla, leader and representative of Mozilla Native, the project has allowed Internet users speak a native language of Latin America, define the web based on your browsing needs, and promote the Internet as a public resource and tool for inclusion social.

Today, there are already about 50 full projects in native languages including teams in Peru, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador and El Salvador.

Native Mozilla already has a couple of successful cases, the location in Paraguay Guarani the language spoken primarily-and Maya Kaqchikel which is spoken in Guatamela-. They coupled with that, they are about to launch three locations of Firefox for Android in Colombia, two in Mexico and one in Peru; They are including language Minica Uitoto, Paez, Quichua Otavaleño, Triqui and Zapotec.

Native Mozilla this effort, they are doing their part to bring the Internet to everyone while trying to preserve our indigenous languages is appreciated.
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Apple is preparing the next generation of MacBook Pro

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Apple is preparing the next generation of MacBook Pro
With elements of the MacBook 12-inch, support for Touch ID and OLED screen, it is expected that the new generation of professional line of notebooks is a radical update. It has been a long time since Apple revamped its MacBook Pro notebook line. It is true that today still an achievement in terms of industrial design, but have not submitted new or improved your best line of laptops. But according to several sources, including Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities firm; very soon we will see the next generation of MacBook Pro with interesting changes, such as a thinner and lighter design.

According to 9to5Mac, the new MacBook Pro will borrow from the 12-inch MacBook elements. However, some new features to be integrated, are support for Touch ID and an OLED display on top, replacing the function keys. Besides the above, the USB-C withstand port, plus Thunderbolt 3.

These updates include teams of 13 and 15 inches. Apple is also expected to announce a 13-inch MacBook, to keep him company model 12.

According to rumors, these new MacBook Pro would be on sale in the last quarter of 2016. We'll see if this is true, but it seems that it is a much needed update for these devices, or not?
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Monday, 23 May 2016

The best free antivirus for 2016

Posted by joker

One of the most frequent questions among PC users concerned always have the best possible security on their computers is What is the best antivirus program? The proper answer to this question is not the name of a specific software, but antivirus that best suits the way we work.

As we know, antivirus there a lot, both free and basic as payments and very complete, however, this offer antivirus software most often confuses users, being in a situation where they do not know to decide with certainty which one is right for your needs.
That is why in this article we show you the best free antivirus available for 2016, with which be very sure when you surf and work. Antivirus selected for this article were chosen because of their qualities and capacity, which is why their number is reduced to a few, but reliable, well-designed, with a ratio of performance / consumption of acceptable resources and above all safe. Besides all of them are free.

AVG Free Antivirus 2016:

The best free antivirus for 2016

The ideal antivirus for the safety of all
An old acquaintance, especially those who surf the Net for quite some time. AVG Free is without doubt one of the best free antivirus that can be downloaded for free, as it offers a significant range of resources and tools to keep threats out of our equipment programs.

If you wish, you can learn more about AVG Antivirus clicking on this link.

Avira Free Antivirus 2016: 

The best free antivirus for 2016

Very easy to use and powerful

Avira is perhaps one of those softwares that for some reason are not the first choice for users, who generally prefer to go in search of what others are using. However, Avira is one of the best antivirus alternatives available in the market. The first thing that draws attention, in addition to its capacity, is the program interface, simple but well understandable. Suitable for all beginners in the subject of the virus.

If you wish, you can get Avira Free Antivirus 2016 completely free by clicking on this link.

BitDefender Antivirus Free Edition 2016: 

Simplicity limit
There is no doubt that the best feature of BitDefender Free Edition is its simplicity. The program will absolutely everything, from setup to decide when automatic analyzes will be performed. If ours is someone else handle all these tasks, then BitDefender Free is the ideal choice.

If you want, you can download BitDefender Antivirus 2016 Free Edition completely free by clicking on this link.

Avast Free Antivirus 2016: 

Complete solution for PC and Android
Another antivirus that offers an impressive cost / benefit ratio. Assuming that Avast Free Antivirus is free, it is amazing that can offer many excellent tools with which to combat virus threats and problems. Among thesethey they include the web shield, web shield and shield file. Without a doubt one of the best antivirus available.

If you wish, you can learn more about Avast clicking on this link.

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Saturday, 21 May 2016

Thousand and one ways to download music

Posted by joker

Nothing but nothing in this world can compare to hearing a good song from our favorite artist, this is so since those times when children heard only those catchy melodies, playing them back on the old turntable used vinyl records.

When we begin to grow, they also begin to thin our ears and began to explore through several phases, thus evolving our musical taste. Also with our evolution, technology evolves, displacing the latest market players with something more modern and simple to use.

In this sense, those few years but without gray hair, remember the market introduction of the CD, which came to replace the cassette, vinyl and everything else. The CD was also replaced by digital formats that can be downloaded from the Internet, starting the cycle again until the digital and downloadable format is replaced by something as unimaginable as it was the MP3 at the time of the discs of pasta.

However, the digital format provides many advantages that none of the above formats or media can offer: Flexibility when listening anywhere, anywhere. As you recall, to listen to a CD, for example, we had to have a CD player for each circumstance, ie player in the car, one at home, one laptop, and so on.

Digital formats like MP3, FLAC, OOG or WAV, among others, can be stored and played from virtually any device, including tablets, smartphones, cell phones, and hundreds of more devices, this is the main difference. All we have to do to listen to our favorite music is to download the album, more accurately, album and save all the devices you want.
Now, downloading music can be a complicated task, mostly because of the incredible offer paid and free we have available in the market. That is why in this article we will show a series of tutorials and manuals to download music fun and easy to do.

Programs to download music for free:

In this tutorial, we will find the best programs and applications to download music from the Internet, in a simple and practical way. On this page, you can download dozens of programs like Kazaa, MP3 Rocket, Ares, Pando and others, which allow us to have all the music that we like a couple of clicks away. Besides a wealth of information about how to configure these download programs and what better way to use them is included.

Free music download sites:

Free music download sites
Free music downloads sites

A summary of the best places to download music from the Internet. Each are your instructions to do so. You will find sites like Amazon MP3, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Last.FM, and more.

Listen to music online for free:

Listen to music online for free

If you are one of those users who do not like to have music stored on your devices, and trust the Internet to listen to your favorite artists, this article is right for you, because in they'll find the best tools and tricks for using Spotify, Grooveshark, Jamendo, Shoutcast and other places to listen to music online.

The best applications for Android download music:

 The best applications for Android download music

Android is perhaps the best mobile operating system market, for versatility and robustness even be used as a media center powers. In case we use Android for everything that has to do with entertainment, something that is completely possible and easy to do with this operating system, this article will be very useful, because here we find applications to download music and add it directly to our collection on your phone or tablet as WDownloader or Holo Music.

All about Ares:

All about Ares

There is no doubt that Ares is one of the best programs to download music we can find, as evidenced by the vast number of users who use it daily to download music for free. It is of this importance in this article, find the best selection of tips, tricks, and solutions to connection problems we may have with Ares, plus tutorials on how to set it up, configure and use it as an expert. We also find some external add-ons that allow us to extract the best from Ares.

All Emule:

All Emule

Another classic downloads, Emule is a software widely used in the world of discharges due to its flexibility and robustness, in addition to the results we can find using it. However, sometimes it can be a bit complicated for the user who has just begun in the dumps. That is why in this article has gathered a significant amount of information so that we can use Emule as a true master. There you will find tutorials and manuals to search Emule, configure, troubleshoot problems, and explained in detail the differences between the various mods and forks of Emule.

All about P2P:

All about P2P

                                  All about P2P

Most likely you have more than once heard this acronym in the context of content downloads from the Internet, always in a positive way, of course. This is mainly because the P2P is one of the best procedures to download and share audio, video or documents safely, efficiently and smoothly forms.

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Social Media marketing Strategies for Your Companies.

Posted by joker

A lot of occasions I’ve noticed companies -- particularly smaller businesses -- state which social networking simply isn’t on their behalf. It requires a lot of time. They’re unsure how to start or even how you can maintain this heading. As well as apart from, they must be concentrating on really operating their own company --not simply publishing photos on the internet -- correct?


Because social networking is constantly on the alter the way in which individuals connect, it's turn out to be an ever more essential device with regard to smaller businesses. Let’s encounter this: Tweets, Myspace, as well as LinkedIn aren’t heading aside. Although social networking systems started in an effort to link family and friends, it’s get to be the tradition for those kinds of company to possess some kind of social networking existence.

Within today’s linked globe, clients investigation buys on the internet as well as look for suggestions through family and friends. Therefore, it’s within the greatest curiosity associated with smaller businesses to possess a lively as well as interactive social networking existence.

Time in order to accept social networking has become. It’s exactly where your visitors tend to be, therefore visit all of them! Don’t hesitate to obtain near to all of them and provide all of them a large press.

Quality is better than amount.
A person don’t need to publish constantly in your social networking stations. However, you perform would like your own communications to obtain available regularly. Nevertheless, typically associated with usb associated with exactly what so when to publish, keep in mind this particular: High quality usually is better than amount.

Keep in mind that clients store from smaller businesses with regard to worth. End up being significantly clear. Don’t hesitate to possess a character on the internet as well as maintain providing your visitors some thing to return with regard to. Whenever you construct your own associations, a person construct your company.

Concentrate on neighborhood.
It’s proven through specialists which social internet marketing may broaden your own achieve, assist you to participate much more target audience as well as produce much more enthusiasts. However social networking isn’t such as conventional marketing exactly where a person place a note away to the globe as well as wish somebody reacts. It’s much more speaking as well as focused close to the thought of a residential area.

Social networking enables smaller businesses in order to straight contact their own clients and it has the actual possible to show individuals clients right into a digital salesforce. Discussions tend to be two-way road. Make certain you’re responding in order to individuals who connect to a person upon social networking. Engage powerful interpersonal influencers, for example writers that the clients study or even people with strong followings. Interesting the internet neighborhood is actually primary in order to social networking as well as among the secrets for your achievement.

Associated: Exactly how Your online business May use Social networking to enhance Product sales

Think about marketing.
You’ve spent time. Commit just a little cash, as well. Don’t hesitate in order to toss just a little cash at the rear of your own social networking initiatives.

In case your spending budget enables, place a few money towards Search engines AdWords to assist bundle your site towards the best associated with search results. To get this done, you’ll require a described listing of key phrases which signify a person and therefore are discovered often in your web site. It’s vital that you possess each in your mind which means you obtain the greatest value for your money.

Additionally you enhance your own social networking information upon Myspace, Tweets as well as LinkedIn. You are able to create really particular, specific advertisements upon these types of systems along with just a couple mouse clicks. Understand your own target audience, and you will very easily market articles, reveal provides, obtain much more fans as well as generate visitors aimed at your website.

Replicate exactly what proved helpful.
There’s you don't need to reinvent the actual steering wheel. In case your social networking initiatives had been prosperous, replicate the actual actions a person required in order to try it again. It’s that easy! And when some thing doesn’t function, attempt another thing. Simply bear in mind, should you add a Myspace advert which didn’t function, for instance, don’t say goodbye to the thought of marketing upon social networking. Check it out once again, redefining your own target audience or even the quantity of your own expense.

Social networking is really a advertising device such as many more small businesses may use. It’s distinctive for the reason that it may increase the company’s presence, expand achieve as well as participate present as well as long term clients. However it is only going to function should you choose this.

Your own roi for some several hours per week and some mouse clicks of the switch could be large. You are able to assistance as well as develop your own manufacturer whilst creating as well as sustaining associations along with present as well as new clients. I’ve shut countless talking occasions via immediate communications upon Tweets as well as Myspace. Believe in me personally, this functions.

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