Technology that focuses on an electric car charging looking for specialists
Apple continues his career, relatively quiet, to enter the world of transport. The course Apple Car remains departure but begin to leak details of its commitment to electric power. After almost a year of rumors, Reuters has unveiled the plan to have power stations.
Having a reliable network is one of the keys to the adoption of the product against the established network of gas stations worldwide. After the decline of iPhone sales, its most successful product, and stabilization of the iPad, the tablet, Apple seeks a new bombshell to remain at the forefront of innovation. course Apple Car remains departure, but begin to leak details of its commitment to electric power. After almost a year of rumors, Reuters has unveiled the plan to have power stations. Having a reliable network is one of the keys to the adoption of the product against the established network of gas stations worldwide. After the decline of iPhone sales, its most successful product, and stabilization of the iPad, the tablet, Apple seeks a new bombshell to remain at the forefront of innovation.
According to information from the agency, Apple has had approaches with manufacturers of car charging systems and are working closely with employees who already use an electric car to find out what needs improvement and should take into account. Arun Banskota, whose company has a charging system, Reuters has confirmed the interest of Cupertino.
Another indication of this interest is in some of its contracts: BMW signings and a Google specialist, Kurt Adelberger. Before they were done with Ijaz Mujeed services, technical director A123, a company in Massachusetts that has denounced Apple for its aggressive hiring. Johan Jungwirth, director of research and development of Mercedes-Benz also joined the block, and Ford came Steve Zadesky. Internal security, in the form of seat belts and airbags will be the role of Robert Gough. A Tesla they took to David Nelson, John Irelan and Peter Augenbergs, and Lauren Ciminera, a sensible loss, since it was responsible for hiring more specialists.
Musk has not only been the first to show that it is possible to compete with the oil industry in efficiency and increasingly in price but also in scale. Fremont struggle against time to arrive on time with your next model orders. In an unknown strategy it has managed to overtake customers over a thousand dollars to reserve your unit. The master of the industry sent a message to Tim Cook through his Twitter account, with the welcome, but also told Bloomberg that the practices of Apple were unsustainable, then offered $ 250,000 as an initial incentive, and wages 60% higher than Tesla.increasingly in price but also in scale. Fremont struggle against time to arrive on time with your next model orders. In an unknown strategy it has managed to overtake customers over a thousand dollars to reserve your unit. The master of the industry sent a message to Tim Cook through his Twitter account, with the welcome, but also told Bloomberg that the practices of Apple were unsustainable, then offered $ 250,000 as an initial incentive, and wages 60% higher than Tesla.In an unknown strategy it has managed to overtake customers over a thousand dollars to reserve your unit. The master of the industry sent a message to Tim Cook through his Twitter account, with the welcome, but also told Bloomberg that the practices of Apple were unsustainable, then offered $ 250,000 as an initial incentive, and wages 60% higher than Tesla.
The challenge of charging stations is one of the keys to succeeding. In California, it is estimated that it will take 20 times more stations than the current 8,000. Tesla already has more than 600 fast, able to completely fill the battery in half an hour. It just unveiled that Mexico will also have an amazing these stations of the future in Cuernavaca.
From Detroit, Chevrolet is the firm whose effort to adapt to this new environment will soon be on the market. Bolt EV model, which could be tested during consumer technology fair in Las Vegas, Tesla aims ahead with a seemingly small and close to utilities that use US families as second household vehicle car.second household vehicle car.
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